Monday, March 26, 2007

What a send off!

Feed a cold...

Starve a fever...

Bombard mantel cell lymphoma with enough calories to sustain the average American family for a week...

Isn't that how the old saying goes? Judging from Sunday's spread, Susan will not leave home hungry. While we wait for her next post, let's dish about the brunch. If you ask me, salmon on a bagel is heaven on earth!

And how cute was the pixie cut? How charming was Cindy? How stylish was George? How well-behaved was Betty?

The answer to all is VERY.


Susan C said...

Paula, your famous spinach dip disappeared from the bowl in record time. And, no, I was not the Hoover this time!

Mrs. Duck said...

Maybe we should all fast with Susan,in a show of solidarity and to get rid of all those calories we ate Sunday! There was so much good food, I didn't know where to start (ha!), or (more accurately) where to stop!