Aren't these the greatest photos of a very young Smooky? Of course these were the days when she was Ninnie Choo Choo. The birthday cakes were absolutely the world's best, made at a local bakery in Clarksburg, WV called Home Industry Bakery. Butter cream icing, colorful flowers, moist cake, and just think, it had our very own name on it.......awesome. How could it get any better? Oh, yes.......sneak a taste of icing. I remember my sister and I would take the flowers off the cake and eat them seperately as a finale. All this was washed down with ice cold Kool-Aid. Those were great times. Sue has another celebration forthcoming, so might as well get in a festive mood.
Hmmmm, those boots look strangely familiar.
The second photo shows Sue has not changed that much. All the appropriate props for a one woman show.
She has not changed a bit...as long as you substitute gelato for the cake, and a Manhattan for the Kool-Aid.
Okay, and a Prius for the rocking horse.
Still, I would recognize that cute Smooky face anywhere!
Yum. I'm craving something from Industry Bakery!
Here's what I don't understand: Why does a little Japanese-Scottish toddler from West Virginia look like she's from Jamaica?
PS Don't you think a bakery with the name "Home Industry" would close before it opened? But the place is still in business, 50 years later.
Unfortunately, the cakes and donuts no longer measure up to the glorious childhood memories.
Okay, I don't get why there are 2 cakes??? Close birthdays?
Smooky chooses to ride the sofa armchair w/ an idle horse nearby. What's up with that Smooky? ("Hang on Smooky,...Smooky hang on")Clearly on your way to pole dancing.
Piper, nice way to stake claim of "the boots". Under the radar...but I noticed them right away.
First of all, I'd like to know why you have on Ninnie Choo-Choo's boots, Piper Robert? Second, picture #2 looks an awful lot like Cindy's baby pictures!
So those were MY BOOTS! Piper clearly had outgrown them by the time the photo on the bike was taken, two years later.
Close birthdays? Yep - just four days apart. I'm amazed that we each rated our own cake.
Robert, did that tradition continue? I think our parents figured out that could fit "Happy Birthday Robert and Sue" on the same cake.
Smooky - I can't stop looking at these very cute pictures. The timer period is so hear-warming to me with the clothes you're both wearing, that vinyl covering used on the chair. In the lower picture, you even resemble Cynthia as a child. SO cute - your little face. And look at those short little Smooky legs! Ahh! Adorable!
Smooky, you HAVE changed a little. Your cheeks aren't as chubby. And you don't salute people who take your picture anymore, either! (Or were you just scratching your head in thought?)
Re: "Robert, did that tradition continue? I think our parents figured out that could fit 'Happy Birthday Robert and Sue' on the same cake."
You know, you're right. Eventually two cakes became one. If you recall, one of the summers we spent at Grandma's farm, Mom and Dad came to visit on our birthday with a Home Industry cake in tow. Mom sat the white bakery box by the water bucket in the kitchen. I remember being very pleased to open the lid and with my index finger, slowly scoop out a small sample of icing. As the icing was melting in my mouth, Mom said, "Happy Birthday". You were very elated we had a cake. Money was tight back then and I felt they had sacrificed to make sure we still had a birthday celebration. Love conquers all, doesn't it? Love ya.
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