Monday, January 12, 2009

Long, slim, slimy worms are back!

Longtime readers may recall that I was unable to care for the wrigglers in my worm bin while going through chemo. The worms weren't the problem; it was their casings (a gussied up word for worm poop) that could have wreaked havoc with my repressed immune system.

For nearly two years, my friends Donny and Janet have been temporary foster parents, coddling and spoiling them as though they were their own.

On Saturday, the worms returned home.

I had their favorite food, pineapple, waiting for them. (Lucky for the gang, pineapple was on the menu for brunch at a friend's house on Friday. I asked for a "worm bag.")

If you've ever left a comment on this blog, you have a worm named in your honor. Among the brood are a set of triplets (Barbara 1, 2 and 3) and a set of quadruplets (Karen 1, 2 and 3 and Karin). It's hard to tell them apart, but Karin usually keeps the other worms in stitches.

It's good to have you home again, my long, slim, slimy friends.


pasadenapio said...

Worms are great composters.

Anonymous said...

it is good to know that I will live on in worm-infamy!

glad they are home again---glad you're up to handling them again.

may the worm-poop be with you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Take care of Karin. She's the one with the blue eye.

Anonymous said...

I know we got worms named after us when we came out to visit! Nice to see them back!!!
love, Tara in VA

Susan C said...

PIO, And that worm poop is like gold in the garden

Trish, your namesake is doing well.

AH, Karin is also doing well, when she's not being teased about her blue eye.

Tara, I forgot to tell you. You're a grandmother.

Ronni Gordon said...


I think the only kind of worms I'd touch would be gummy worms, preferably strawberry.

Margaret said...

Welcome home worms! I'm sure that Karin worm makes everyone laugh, but I'm sure the Susan worm knows all that good places to eat.

Susan C said...

Ronni, I would have taken you for a worm lover. Your namesake is here, like it or not. I like strawberry gummy worms too.

The little Margaret worm is helping all her bin mates find their inner goddesses.

Nelle said...

I am a new comer to your blog and I hate to appear ignorant but are these worms just pets? Are they funcitonal like silk worms? I am quite curious. lol

Susan C said...

Nelle, most of my friends were quite confused when I first blogged about the worms.

As PIO, said, worms are great composters. Most of the kitchen scraps can be fed to the worms instead of being thrown down the garbage disposal.

Second, their casings (poop) make the best garden fertilizer. I recently saw an 8 oz. bag of worm casings at Lowes for around 5 bucks. Their pee is also nutritious and can keep white flies away.

The side benefit is that I have actually fallen in love with the little creatures and think of them as pets. I try to enhance their lives as much as possible by feeding them all their favorite foods. Believe it or not, they are picky little eaters.