Thanks to my brother and Mrs. Duck, I am now the proud owner of two red feather boas, the
de rigeur accessory for every in-patient pole dancer.
Between my in-room "incident" and flamboyant pole strolling, I think I've developed quite the reputation here at
That's awesome! I've been waiting for some photos. Red is definitely your color. Love ya!
You look fabulous!
Oh my, what will the neighbors say?
You naughty girl......you look dangerous!
Your pole is a "he," yet he's wearing a boa?
The plot thickens.
I think Paula's onto something. Is your pole a transvestite, or merely a gallant gentleman, carrying your boas for you? You're going to be famous at COH not for your pratfalls, but for your incredible style and verve!
Hmmmm. . . I didn't even think about the possible gender confusion with my dance partner.
Go, girl, go! May I suggest a feather boa in black for your next number:)
Lisa C.
Wait a minute.......men don't wear boas? Anybody wanna buy a slightly used, camo boa? Worn twice during deer season. Price negotiable.
I bet your pole has the most personality of any in CoH! I'm a little behind on my embarrassing story but wanted to share. I had my first "bad mom" moment while going to meet some friends for lunch. I was running a few minutes late so I was hurrying to get in to the restaurant. I pulled Will's stroller out of the trunk and plopped it open. Yes, exactly that, plopped! I then took his carseat out of the car to snap it in the stroller. It snapped but apparently I didn't snap the stroller correctly when taking it from my trunk because he went crashing backward as I let go to close the car doors! Two men dressed in suits came running over to make sure he was ok. I felt awful! He was completely fine. Lucky for me it is referred to as a safety seat! Just be thankful there wasn't a tiny life involved in your tumble... Hey...? Wait a minute! This reminds ME of a story!Cindy's first trip to WV :)
Oh, my - "he's" quite tall and lean!
I agree, red is your color.
You are ready for your close-up and I think it has more to do with the smile then the boa...of course feathers never hurt! Hey, why wait to get out of Hotel Hope in order to preform your one-woman extravaganza? I bet you might even enlist a few fellow travelers to preform with you if you ask around there. You got your boa...you got your awesome sense of humor...go get 'em Susan!
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