After I got the "bad news" on Monday, I spent 24 hours wallowing, worrying and obsessing. But I hit my nadir and came bouncing back, ready to enjoy a few more days of feeling the best physically since BC (before chemo). It's been nearly five weeks since the high-dose toxins have coursed through my veins.
All of this begs the question: If I'M so physically and emotionally resilient, what's with my platelets? I'm still dreaming of platelets multiplying, bouncing and soaring, but I'm prepared for any results that may come my way on Monday.
Forget those home pregnancy tests, what you need is a home platelet test! It's crazy-making that you can do NOTHING but WAIT until MONDAY.
Here's a diversion for you (and any other local "Team Susan" members): The Neighborhood Church annual book sale opens tomorrow night (Friday) at 6 p.m. For a $5 donation you get wine, cheese, the author's corner program, and first crack at the goodies. The crowd is also smaller than on Saturday and Sunday.
My sister and I are going again this year and will most likely purchase our body weight in books.
Thinking good platelet thoughts, Susan ....
Paula, I thought of you when I was at Pottery Ranch on Huntington Dr. in Monrovia last weekend. Did you know they're having a close-out sale?
Thinking of you, Susan, and praying as well - PLATELETS, go up, already!
Hang in there, Susan.
I'm thinking "PLATELETS!!! PLATELETS!!!" too!!! I want to know what you're planning to do with those boas ...
Mrs. Duck
It's Sunday night! Susan has a blood test in about 12 hours. Keep those fingers crossed, and those platelet vibes humming.
Plate-LETS! Plate-LETS! Plate-LETS!
Hoping for the best and fingers crossed for tomorrow's test!
Lisa C.
I'm concentrating and thinking "PLATELETS" like a computer program on an endless loop! I hope the news is good.
Mrs. Duck
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