Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Cancer . . .

When NPR reporter Leroy Sievers asked his cancer blog readers to finish the sentence, "My cancer. . . ," he received more than 350 replies. The responses were as diverse and dynamic as the individuals.

To celebrate the amazing community that Leroy has created, Beth, an NPR staffer, published a photo gallery of moving pictures and inspirational words. Be sure to go to the June 26 post to take a look. You may recognize at least one of the contributors.

1 comment:

Dani said...

Wow. That is a gorgeous set of photos and sayings. And you, my dear, have a smile that could light up...well, let's just say that if I could figure out a way to run a car off that light we'd all be saved! You remind me to live, love, and let go. Thank you.