Saturday, January 30, 2010

Eating My Way Through a Bucket List

I'll tell you this much: I'd much rather be talking about bucket lists on my food blog than on my cancer blog.

Read about what happens when restaurants kick the bucket at Open Mouth, Insert Fork.


Baby Bird said...

How is Grandma doing these days?

Sagar said...

Each year, more than 192,000 American women learn they have breast cancer. Approximately 5 to 10 percent of these women have a hereditary form of the disease. Changes, called alterations or mutations, in certain genes make some women more susceptible to developing breast and other types of cancer. Inherited alterations in the genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2 (short for breast cancer 1 and breast cancer 2) are involved in many cases of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Researchers are searching for other genes that may also increase a woman's cancer risk.
brca 1 and brca 2 mutations